lifestyle photographer

A credible authentic advertising production or hOW TO get PEOPLE FROM A STREET CASTING to act with the authenticity of a real AMAZON TRIBE?

25. February 2020 Allgemein
Oliver Haupt is an awarded people lifestyle sports kids object movingimage transport photographer with his own credible authentic advertising production.

Oliver Haupt is an awarded people lifestyle sports kids object movingimage transport photographer with his own credible authentic advertising production.

Oliver Haupt, an authentic real lifestyle photographer!

24. February 2020 Allgemein
Authentic real lifestyle photographer Oliver Haupt for still & moving Image

Oliver is against exploitation of human, animals and nature for personal vanity. And there is absolutely no excuse for injustice, spitefulness, greed or resentment. All these characteristics are poison for society and the world. Certainly they are poison for a shoot. So consequently Oliver cares so much about the ambient on his shoots. The recipe is good teamwork. It is nice to be nice.


22. September 2019 Allgemein
Working together as team, the creatives, the account person, the client, the production team, the models and the photographer. They all have their respective influence on the final result and this is good and productive.

Above all commercial image making means a collaboration of many individuals. Working together as team, the creatives, the account person, the client, the production team, the models and the photographer. They all have their respective influence on the final result and this is good and productive. And in conclusion I found it would be fair enough to sign the pictures with a name that considers them all: the unknown artist.

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